These instructions refer to a Ubuntu setup so settings may change from a distribution to another. Please refer to the Linux distribution help manual for more information.
TouchPad and NumPad are compatible with most recent distributions.
Step 1: Configure your Linux PC
- In the system menu, select System > Preferences > Remote Desktop.
- Enable «Allow other users to view your desktop».
- Enable «Allow other users to control your desktop».
- It is recommended to disable «You must confirm each access to this machine».
- Enable «Require the user to enter this password» and enter a password. Write it down as you'll need it when configuring TouchPad.
- It is recommended to enable «Configure network automatically to accept connections».
- If your computer is running a Firewall, make sure it is properly configured.
- Click the Close button and you're done!
Step 2: Setting up TouchPad/NumPad
Important: On iOS 14 or later, make sure that TouchPad or NumPad is allowed to access your local network. To make sure it is, open the Settings app and browse to Privacy > Local Network. TouchPad or NumPad should be allowed. If not, simply turn on access.
- Launch TouchPad or NumPad on your iOS device if it's not already running.
- You will be prompted you to select a server. Tap 'Yes'. Note: You can also access the Computers List by tapping on the Settings Button.
- Tap on the Computer you want to connect to. Note: If your computer is not listed tap the Add New Device button to create a new computer manually.
- If the selected computer was already configured, TouchPad/NumPad will initiate a connection. If not, will display the Computer details.
- Make sure the Operating System is set to Linux.
Fill out the required Authentication information.
- Method: VNC Password,
- Password: The password you previously created in Step 1.
Tap Save and re-select the computer you've just configured.
If everything is in order, you should now be connected and ready to connect!