Establishing a Connection with Your Computers

Via Screens Connect

If you’ve installed Screens Connect on your Mac or Windows PC, it couldn’t be any easier to connect to your computer wether you’re in the next room or 5,000 miles away.

Sign in with your Screens ID

Your Screens ID is what links Screens and Screens Connect together. In order to be able to connect back to your computer, make sure to sign in with your Screens ID.

  1. Tap or click the Sign in button
  2. Enter the email address and password for your Screens ID

If required, you can create your Screens ID here.

Once you’re signed in, all the computers where Screens Connect is running should appear.

To launch a connection, simply tap (iOS) or double-click (Mac) on a screen.

Unregistering a Computer

To remove a computer from the Screens Connect list, press and hold (iOS) or right-click (Mac) on the computer, then choose Unregister.

Please note that unregistering a computer will make it unreachable and you will need to sign in again with your Screen ID on that computer.

To a Nearby Computer

Screens can identify Macs on the local network where Screen Sharing is enabled or PCs with an installed VNC Server that broadcast the presence of the service.

To launch a connection, simply tap (iOS) or double-click (Mac) on a nearby computer.

You can also, tap and hold (iOS) or right-click (Mac) on a computer to edit it or show more connection options.

Enable Local Network Access (iOS)

On your iOS device, ensure that Screens has permission to access your local network. To verify this, navigate to the Settings app and select Privacy → Local Network. Make sure Screens is granted access; if not, enable access with a simple toggle.

From a Custom Screen

If, for any reason, you choose not to utilize Screens Connect, already use a custom URL, or aim to connect to a computer that doesn't broadcast a Screen Sharing (VNC) service, you will need to create a custom connection.

  1. In the Custom Screens section, choose either All Screens or an existing Group
  2. Click the button in the toolbar or press ⌘N
  3. Complete the connection information
  4. Navigate to the Security section if you prefer a secure connection (Remote Login or SSH server required)
  5. Optionally, visit the Controls section to further customize your saved connection
  6. Hit Save

Subsequently, tap (iOS) or double-click (Mac) on the newly created connection to initiate the connection.

From a URL

You can use the Quick Connect feature to manually input or paste a URL for initiating a connection.

Tapping or clicking a supported URL scheme outside of Screens will automatically launch the app and start the connection. Refer to the URL Schemes article for more in-depth information on this functionality.

From a Recent Item

Simply tap (iOS) or double-click (Mac) on tthe desired item to initiate the connection.

Connections established through a URL, Quick Connect, or via Screens Assist will be displayed here.

Editing a Screen

To modify a screen, press and hold (iOS) or right-click (Mac) on it to access editing options and additional connection settings.

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