Swapping Command ⌘ and Control ⌃ keys and App Switching

On iPad, iOS reserves the Command-Tab keyboard shortcut for switching apps on your device, which prevents its use on the remote Mac you're connected to.

Since apps cannot override this behavior, Screens provides some options:

On your iPad

Permute Command ⌘ and Control ⌃ keys

Enabling this option will allow the Control key to act as the Command key and vice versa. This way, you can use Control-Tab to switch apps on the remote Mac.

Switch apps with Command-\ instead of Command-Tab

If you prefer to keep the modifier keys unchanged, you can use Command-\ to switch apps on the remote Mac. This workaround also bypasses the iOS limitation with just a single keyboard change.

You can find both options in the app settings on your iPad:

On your Mac

You can also permute Command and Control keys when using Screens on your Mac:

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